Oct 13, 2011

Shades of Avalon - Scouting Locations

When I’m writing I tend to alternate between fictitious settings and real places depending on the requirements of the story. All the settings in Shades of Atlantis are real places and were chosen for specific reasons. I wanted to keep that up for the sequel.

I’ve had a lot of questions about how that’s coming along, when will it be finished and what’s it about. Basically, the manuscript is still a work in progress. The story picks up a few weeks after the first book ends and goes deeper into some of the Arthurian mythology. Once again the story begins in Camden, Maine and moves onto London before leading to mystical Ireland. It’s two of the Irish locations I had problems with. More specifically the home of one of the characters. None of the places I picked felt right and I couldn’t see it in my head. If I can’t see it in my head, I can’t write it in a way I’m happy with.

Over the last few months I’ve spent a lot of time driving around Dublin and Wicklow with my son. We got lost a few times and travelled some pretty deserted places, including the Dublin mountains at night. I admit that was kind of fun, especially when we saw flashing lights that Eric thought was an alien ship and came across a film crew in the middle of nowhere.  Some of the places we’ve been.

Do you sense a theme with my photos? Apparently I like to take pictures of roads. So let’s use Wiki photos instead:

Bray                                                                          Roundwood



Vartry Reservoir                                                Ashford


Devils Glen


We’ve also been to Avoca, Glendalough, Mount Usher Gardens, Excalibur drive, Blessington Lakes and spent a few hours exploring Phoenix Park in Dublin yesterday evening.

Let’s make this interactive, for those who write, what extreme have you gone to for the perfect location?


  1. Thanks for all the gorgeous pics! I happen to like your pics of roads, hee hee. I did take an architectural cruise in Chicago to research my setting, but I haven't gone to many extremes. Yet. I think I need to write a story about Spain, because I've always been dying to visit there. Tax write-off? ;) Happy writing.

  2. Beautiful photos! I vicariously traveled with you. Like the French, with the road fading into the horizon, I like the thrill of where life's going.

  3. Devil's Glen is so amazing. There's a novel right there!
