Last summer, the authors from Omnific Publishing put out two limited edition anthologies with proceeds going to Save the TaTas. My contribution was a YA paranormal romance inspired by the tale of sleeping beauty and incorporating Celtic folklore.
On the 16th February 2010, Omnific Publishing released the first books from their collection and to celebrate all the stories written for the two anthologies have been released at free singles. They come in two level of heat, Sweet Singles and Sexy Singles. All are now available now at the Omnific Publishing site in epack format(PDF,Mobi,ePub) with further distribution though the usual ebook outlets in the near future.
On the eve of her sixteenth birthday, Niamh sneaks out to attend the festival of Beltaine. When she has to choose between running deeper into a dark forest with a supernatural creature that shouldn’t exist or facing an unknown threat chasing her, Niamh discovers she will have to rethink everything she knows about the Fae.
The Summer Prince on Goodreads
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