Dec 22, 2011

2011 in Review

It’s been a good year for me and words. Ember was released in July after a lot of hard work with Team Ember from my publisher, Omnific Publishing. I wrote a short for The Summer Lovin’ Anthology with proceeds going to Save the TaTas. I was one of the judges for the My Vamp Fiction original short story contest.  I finished the sequel to Ember and the first rough draft of the sequel to Shades of Atlantis. I also got to work with some very talented authors on their projects and promotions. It’s been a busy year.

I need to give a special mention to the lovely Janice Foy from The Blog Bakery, who re-designed my blog. Also, to Amanda Tromley for her very special original artwork of Sebastian and  Draven from Ember.

Somewhere in there I managed to read a few published books. Usually I’m pretty easy to please, I can take something good away from every book I pick up. This year has been exceptional for discovering reads I simply couldn’t put down. There were so many excellent books. With that in mind, I’d like to share a few of my favorites in no particular order.

fav reads 2

Poughkeepsie by Debra Anastasia : I have to include this one. I’ve been going on about it to everyone who will listen. This story will break your heart and make you laugh out loud. It’s also got a very surprising first kiss.

EverBlue by Brenda Pandos : I was a pre-reader for EverBlue and so got a sneak peek before release. The world building in this underwater YA adventure blew me away.

Open Minds by Susan Kaye Quinn : Speaking of world building, the future world of this author’s imagination left me reeling and wondering, what is a human being capable of if they can control minds.

AshFall by Mike Mullin : This was one of my most anticipated reads of the year and I wasn’t disappointed. Set in the aftermath of a volcanic eruption at Yellow Stone Park, I was hooked after I read the preview chapters on the author’s site. 

The Sky is Everywhere by Jandy Nelson : I cried my way through a lot of this haunting story and immediately recommended it to my best friend. 

There you go. I could go on and on, mentioning practically every book I picked up this year and there are already several YA and MG titles I’m looking forward to next year.

Destiny’s Fire by Trish Wolfe

Ashen Winter (Ashfall #2) by Mike Mullin

Unraveling Isobel by Eileen Cook

Under the Never Sky by Veronica Rossi

After all that book talk, I’d like to take the opportunity to wish Happy Holidays  to each and every one of you.


  1. Nice picks! I have Ashfall on my list too. I also have Destiny's Fire and Ashen Winter on my anticipated in 2012 lists. :D I have Open Mins on my reading list. Looking forward to it. Merry Christmas!

  2. A very productive year, I'd say! That's awesome you have both of your sequels written. Good luck with the editing, and Merry Christmas!
