Nov 8, 2010

Meet an Author Monday, Birthdays and Books

First I want to say a very happy birthday to my new friend, Killian McRea. Have a great day! Killian’s debut novel, 12.21.12 releases December 21st. I also want to give a birthday shout out to my good friend AllySue who turns 21 today. Happy birthday, Ally.

My debut novel, Shades of Atlantis will be released tomorrow the 9th November. As you can imagine I am very excited and nervous. In fact, I am so nervous that words fail me, something that is out of the ordinary for me. Forgive me if I babble, it’s been a bit of an emotional roller-coaster today.

We celebrated Thanksgiving here at the weekend. This year I am also thankful for the opportunity I’ve been given to become a published author. It was a rocky road for me. I almost gave up on the idea of writing because I lost faith in myself. Shades of Atlantis ended up sitting in a drawer for almost two years. Thanks to the amazing people around me pushing me on, I started writing again and eventually decided to re-visit Shades of Atlantis and the sequels I had started to work on. My friends and my family never let me give up. For that I am thankful.

Authors! Have a book out? Are you under contract for publication? Make sure you join in the hop. This is a great way to network your blog and let readers know who you are!

Here's how it works:


  • Follow as many authors as you like. Just follow the Linky list and hop from author to author. The idea is to find as many "new to you" authors as you can, and hopefully some great new reading material as well. Leave a comment as you hop from blog to blog! We'd love to chat with you!


  • Follow the Meet an author Monday host (Cali Cheer Mom) along with any of the wonderfully talented authors on the list.
  • You will need to enter your name and blog url into the Linky tool.
  • Grab our super cute button and place it in a post. (THIS IS IMPORTANT!) If you don't create a post for the hop, your readers won't have a place to comment, and the hop will stop with you. So create a post, paste in the Linky code and start hopping!
  • The purpose of the hop is to meet "new to you" authors and discover great new reads. Follow as many authors as you can. Leave a comment and introduce yourself!
  • If you'd like to share the Linky list in a post on your blog ( Please do!) just follow the link and grab the code.


  1. Hi Carol--found you through the blog hop!

    Your title sounds intriguing and I love that cover! How's the vampire NaNo piece coming along?

  2. Hi, thank you for your comment. I'm past 10k, I need to update my numbers. It's coming together very nicely.I am so jittery today I'm finding it hard to write but I'm about to get stuck in for a few hours. There is a sneak peek up on my NaNo page.

  3. Have the best day ever tomorrow. Bask in the glory! I'm so happy you had encouraging people around you to see you through to this accomplishment.
